50 years ago, the Woodstock festival was founded on the principles of people coming together to enjoy a weekend of each other’s company and fantastic music, in a peaceful and loving way.  ProgStock Festival, based in New Jersey, was founded on the same exact principles.

I had the good fortune to perform at ProgStock’s inaugural event in 2017, with my band Circuline.  Last year’s sophomore ProgStock season saw me working with keyboardist/vocalist Tom Brislin (YES, Kansas, Renaissance), on the production team for the launch of his band, Gold Rotation.   This year I’ll be performing with “3.2 featuring Robert Berry”, covering songs that had keyboard greats such as Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman, Tony Banks, and Jordan Rudess.

Even though people often come to festivals to see their favorite band,  ProgStock is a lot more than just seeing your favorite band or two.  So many people have told me they come for the three-day experience, just like the original Woodstock in 1969.  That’s the message I’m here to spread.  ProgStock is a great gathering of friends, access to all of the performing artists in a friendly environment, meet and greet opportunities that are open to everyone, fun shared experiences, in a friendly town, just like a cruise on land!

As a returning performing artist, I am really excited to be a part of it once again!  It’s such a great experience is for me and for all the fans, and it’s such a special experience at this Festival – it is markedly different than seeing all these bands at some other single show somewhere else.

Plus the PRICE!  When you figure out how much it truly costs to go to another concert, and look at what your total cost is for ProgStock,  it’s CHEAP.  Where else are you going to get this many bands, with these kinds of experiences?  Nowhere else.  That’s why you really want to be there!

It’s such a special weekend – PLEASE come hang out with us for the weekend, enjoy a bunch of fantastic music, reconnect with old friends, make some new friends, and have a great time!

Check out the entire weekend lineup, and get your three-day passes, or single day tickets by clicking this link:

Thank you so much.  🙂
