In The Cave with Glenn DaGrossa, working on the next Awaken studio album! Glenn already has the album concept, artwork, and most of the Songwriting sketches done. Now comes the hard part of getting the band members together to craft and record our parts into a single cohesive sound, that everyone can be happy with. Then promoted and released via the record label, Pure Steel Records! Thank you for being here with us as part as part of this journey. 😀🎹🎶
@awakenprogmetal @signsofrain @mikeplaydrums @eddiejucius @eric_wirsing_guitarist @puresteelrecords #progressiverock #awakenthemetal #awakenprogmetal #progrock #progressiverockcommunity #progressivemetal #hardrock #melodicrock #rockmusician #rockband #rockbands #keytar #keyboardist #keyboardplayer #ColyerMusic #PureSteel #PureSteelRecords #cavestudio #TheCaveStudio
