Sunday, January 26th – last day at NAMM 2014!  Starting at 9:30 am with a ridiculously amazing one hour demonstration of PG Music’s Band-In-A-Box, the day continued with talking to the Directors of Digital Strategy and Artist Relations from JAMMIT software about doing a series of keyboard videos for them!

Have you checked out the music industry network Numubu?  It’s a great way to stream live concerts.  “Making Money Making Music” – was a terrific panel, led by the top two guys (musician/attorney Paul Quin, and musician/author/educator Dom Famularo) from TheSessons.orgthis panel included Billy Joel’s drummer Liberty DeVitto, and rock drumming legend Carmine Appice.  Jim DeCicco’s “Millionaire Mindset for Musicians” workshop used principles of NLP, metaphysics, and business conditions analysis to get us to shift our mental thinking processes around making more money as professional musicians.

I also had the pleasure of hanging out with sax player Jimmie “Thari” Highsmith (Alicia Keys), vocalist Fatima Razic, electric violinist/vocalist Razz, and sound engineering consultant Doug Gould.

At the Pigtronix booth, I was so blown away by the debut of their new Pigtronix Rototron pedal, I bought one, getting the NAMM convention artist discount!  It will hopefully arrive soon……

Sunday night brought tons of fun hanging out with Tony Antoniou of Psicraft designs and David Lovelace of Packrat Comics and Parallax Music (OMIGOD he’s a shredder)!  We were playing David’s beloved Roland Juno-106, that has now been outfitted with Tony’s Kiwi-106 microchip board and software update.  Videos coming soon……

Andrew Colyer with the new Pigtronix Rototron

Andrew Colyer with the new Pigtronix Rototron – rotary speaker simulator pedal

Roland Juno-106 with Kiwi-106 circuit board installed

Roland Juno-106 with Kiwi-106 circuit board installed

Andrew Colyer with Tony Antoniou (Psicraft Designs)

Andrew Colyer with Tony Antoniou (Psicraft Designs)

Andrew Colyer with David Lovelace (Packrat Comics,  Parallax Music)

Andrew Colyer with David Lovelace (Packrat Comics, Parallax Music)

