Monday, October 28th, 2019 – what an amazing great day! We got a private tour of the Moogseum from the Moogstress herself, Michelle Moog-Koussa, followed by a private tour of the Moog Factory from artist relations representative Jason Daniello, then our evening performance at The Grey Eagle in Asheville, North Carolina.

“3.2 featuring Robert Berry” at the Moogseum in Asheville, North Carolina. Andrew Colyer, Michelle Moog-Koussa, Jimmy Keegan, and Robert Berry.

Robert’s bass BROKE at the BEGINNING of the gig – and the staff at The Grey Eagle FIXED it between the first two songs!!
Robert’s bass BROKE at the BEGINNING of the gig – and the staff at The Grey Eagle FIXED it between the first two songs!!
This is a picture of the Grey Eagle staff actually fixing Robert’s bass on stage in real time!! Whipped out a soldering iron, took the back off, and did the repair right in front of us!
**Note: I’ve had a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 since January 2013. I dropped it on the concrete floor while loading into The Grey Eagle, and the internal LCD part of the screen broke. It initially looked beautiful, like a lava lamp, while all of the colorful gel goop leaked out inside the cover. But the phone turned nonfunctional, and I had no phone for most of the week.** It just seemed to be a night of stuff breaking!! It happens on the road sometimes….
Thanks to the Facebook community of fans for this video!